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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I cancel or amend my booking?

No cancellations or changes are allowed within 2 days of the appointment. Please find our full cancellation policies here (link the word here to a cancellation policy page – also have the cancellation policy in the footer).

What should I wear?

Wear clothes that are comfortable to wear, with appropriate undergarments (this includes a non-sport bra for women).
Shorts are okay, as long as they are loose or stretchy.

Please note that towels will be used during your treatment.

What is the minimum age for treatment?

We treat anyone 18 years and above, however, with parental consent, treatment attendance and waivers completed we can treat 16-18 year olds.

Can I still have a Sports Massage even if I don’t do sport?

Simply put – yes! Regular Sports Massage can be beneficial for those who do not engage in any form of physical activity, yet still experience the strain of everyday movements. This can lead to chronic issues, such as pain and stiffness in the neck, shoulders, and lower back. Massage can help to reduce the risk of these issues, as well as draining away fatigue, relieving swelling, reducing muscle tension, promoting flexibility, and preventing injuries.

Additionally, regular Sports Massage can help those who work in physically demanding jobs, such as those in the office, to counteract the stress placed on their knees, lower back, and shoulders.

Will Sports Massage help my injury?

Yes. Studies have shown that sports massage can speed up the healing process of injuries, sometimes even reducing the recovery time, and improve post-surgical recovery.

How often should I get a Sports Massage?

The answer depends on what you’re trying to achieve. Some people do maintenance once a month when they’re not training as much, and as they increase their training intensity and volume, they’ll do maintenance more often.

The key is to figure out what works best for you to help reduce muscle tightness and keep you from getting hurt. We’ll talk about that during your first checkup.

Cancellation Policy

No cancellations or changes allowed within 2 days of the appointment.

Our Policies

• Treatments not cancelled with 48hr notice will be charged at full treatment price.• COVID-19 & Omicron – 48hr cancellation applies unless evidence of a recent positive test is given.
• Clients who change their appointment with less than 48hrs notice, then cancel the rescheduled appointment are subject to the 48hr cancellation policy and will be charged full price for that appointment even if the rescheduled appointment is cancelled with more than 48hrs notice.
• Clients who fail to arrive for treatment will be charged full price, including same day bookings.
• Deposits & block bookings are non refundable
• Treatment times quoted allow for consultation & preparation, including time for clients to change.
• Treatments, Prices and Times may change without prior notice.
• Late arrivals will result in treatment time being reduced or rescheduled, full payment will still be required.
• Gift Vouchers are valid for 12 months from the date purchased.

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